Monday, February 9, 2015

Be Grateful for Where You Are

After spending this weekend with some friends snowboarding in a truly beautiful place, it's made me think about how grateful we all should be.  It's so easy to distract ourselves with our phones rather than enjoy the company of others.  We should be living in the moment and taking in our surroundings rather than focusing on what's happening in our virtual worlds.  The Earth is an amazing place with so many beautiful views and moments that sometimes we miss them while looking through our phones.  With that being said, not only should we be grateful for each moment, but we should also be grateful for exactly where we are in life.  

Sometimes people tend to get frustrated when they don't get everything they want right away.  Whether it's a certain job, a relationship, or progress in a certain sport or skill.  Life is a journey meant to be experienced by little changes over time.  If we all got exactly what we wanted right away, I don't think we would appreciate what it took to get there.  For me, my progress in the gym and with snowboarding is made slowly and is never rushed.  As long as I see that I am improving over time I can be happy.  Life is about growing and learning in any way possible and if you feel as if you aren't moving forward, you may need to ask yourself if you're being challenged enough.  When people get stuck in a job, or relationship or physical progress, many times, they just aren't pushing themselves to do better than they could be. 

If you are in a relationship that seems to be boring or monotonous, ask yourself if you are challenging each other to be better people every day or to step outside your comfort zones to find ways to enjoy your time together.  If you're stuck when it comes to making progress in the gym, ask yourself if you've been pushing yourself as hard as you can or eating what you should be.  If you stick to the same routine every day, life will be boring and you won't have any fun at all.  However, if you're spontaneous and take chances and try something new, you usually end up having the greatest times and the best memories.

Recognize where you are and be grateful for it, because it's small changes over time that got you to where you are and will keep moving you forward.

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