Monday, December 29, 2014

Why I Hate the Word "Diet"

The word diet seems to have a negative connotation to it.  It assumes you only eat healthy all the time and never let yourself indulge on dessert or anything bad.  It assumes you are depriving yourself of what you want only to sit there and obsess over the number on the scale.  I hate the word diet.  No one likes to be on a diet because you are constantly surrounded by food choices that aren't a part of it, and if you're not eating what everyone else is eating around you, you are somehow left out and feeling guilty.  It shouldn't have to be that way.

Let's redefine the word diet.  How about instead we start using the phrase, "lifestyle change."  While the word diet tends to imply a short term goal, lifestyle changes do not.  They imply a long term goal for your body's greater good.  A lifestyle change can be subtle, slow, fast, or steady.  It is something that is introduced at your own pace.  Rather than beating yourself up over eating that cookie or slice of cake, a lifestyle change can allow you to enjoy those things without feeling so guilty about it.

By slowly introducing more vegetables and healthy foods, the more of it you will start to crave, and the more likely it will be for it to start becoming a habit.  The more you exercise, that more that will start to become a habit too. Once you have it in your mind that you are creating a lifestyle, and not just a short term goal, eating an occasional desert or slice of pizza won't feel like such a horrible thing. Everything in moderation, but make sure the things you want to become your habits outweigh the bad things that surround your life.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Feature Friday: Spotlight on Peter Kaufmann

What is Feature Friday?

Every Friday, I will be featuring an amazing individual.  This person could be someone who has seen life changing results through Nutritional Cleansing, or someone I follow for fitness advice/tips.  Today, I will be shining the spotlight on Peter Kaufmann. 

His Testimonial:

"My whole adult life I've been involved with exercise and nutrition.  But the problem was, I always knew the products I was taking before I started Nutritional Cleansing were not good for me or for my wife- who is a Stage Three Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivor. I always felt cloated, even though I worked out 6 days a week.  I thought I ate properly, but I NEVER had any energy.  I would also never allow my wife to take the products I was taking, so I also felt like a hypocrite.  That was one of the reasons why we decided to try Nutritional Cleansing, because it was chemical-free and SAFE.  During the first 11 days of the 30 day cleanse, I lost 17 lbs and my wife lost 12 lbs.  By the end of the 30 days, I had lost 30 lbs, and my wife lost a total of 20 lbs.  The great thing about Nutritional Cleansing, is that during maintenance, I lost another 11 lbs= 41 pounds in total: 187 lbs to 146 lbs.  It's been 6 months so far and my wife and I are in the best shape of our lives.  But the funny this is, Nutritional Cleansing has not only transformed our health, but our WEALTH. This is hands down THE greatest business opportunity we've EVER been part of.  Such an incredible company with amazing life-changing products!"

Monday, December 22, 2014

Your Body Type Reflects Who You Attract Into Your Life

Who Are You Attracting Into Your Life?

Take a moment to think about all the people in your life.  Your friends, family, significant other, and ask yourself why you have a relationship with them.  What topics do you connect with them about?  What similarities do you have?  More times than not, we connect with people who share similar views, values, beliefs, motivations, and goals as us.  If you are a motivated, ambitious person, you will tend to be drawn toward other motivated and ambitious people.  However, the flip side is also true.  If you are lazy, negative, and insecure, you will tend to attract other negative, lazy and insecure people to fulfill your need to stay that way.  So what does this have to do with your body weight?

Fit or Fat?

Why is it that when you see a couple, they tend to have the same or similar body shape and look?  Obviously this is not always true, but I'd say that the majority of the time, couples tend to reflect each other when it comes to their body image and physique.  A heavier person will usually be with another heavier or unhealthy person, and a fit person will tend to be with another fit person.  Is this just a coincidence?  Probably not.  Science will tell you that we tend to be attracted to people with similar features as ourselves because it creates a sense of trust and genetic compatibility.  Think of all the couples you know and you will probably start to realize that their facial features, body type, and even sometimes styles are very similar.  

Often times, the media will portray a certain cookie cutter look which then becomes the social norm and the image that everyone strives for.  For guys, it's the 6-pack abs and muscular physique and for girls it tends to change with the times.  One month it might be in to be skinny and the next month it could be having an ass like a Kardashian.  So how do we filter all the changing trends in society? What does this mean for you and what should you strive for?

Are You Your Best You?

If you're heavy, skinny, fit, or flabby and you are happy with the way you look and the way your life is going, then hey, keep doing what you're doing! But if you're reading this and thinking, well shoot, I don't exactly look how I want to look, or I probably could lose a few pounds, or I wish I did have a hot significant other and more motivated and positive friends, it's never too late to change.  My opinion about societal trends?  Don't follow them.  Follow what's right for you.  If you have a certain image in your mind of how you want to look, work towards that goal and don't listen to the opinions of others.  

Many times I've heard guys tell me, "I would hate to be with a girl who had better abs than me." Or " I don't find muscular girls attractive."  Well, 9 times out of 10, those guys aren't very motivated to get in shape themselves.  I've also heard guys who have said they love fit and in shape girls.  Attraction is all objective, so don't let anyone's opinion convince you to stop reaching your goals.  People who talk down to you for trying to lose weight or get in shape do not offer value to your goals; they will only inhibit them from becoming a reality if you listen.  

Just the other day I was talking to a co-worker about a nutritional program I've been on, and he said, "You already look great! Why do you need to be doing that?" He looked at me as if I was crazy.  Well, that person's opinion offers no value to me because he does not have the same goals, motivation, or drive as I do.  Just because I already look great, that doesn't mean I should just stop doing what I'm doing.  I will continue to work toward my goals and push myself to achieve more because it makes me happy and makes me feel great when I push my body to my limits.  The same should be true for you no matter what someone says to you.

Where Do I Start?

If you're ready to make a change and get in better shape, I recommend reaching out to people you look up to for fitness advice.  Start surrounding yourself with people you want to be like.  If you continue to surround yourself with the same people, you will only become more like them.  Don't be afraid to take a chance and ask for help when you need it.  Most people will feel flattered that you are asking for their advice and they will admire your commitment for wanting to make a change.  Start watching YouTube videos on different exercises or fitness advice.  Even starting small with a walk every day can make all the difference in beginning to create the habits for success.  My question to you is this: who are you currently attracting into your life, and who do you want to attract?  Do they match up?  If you aren't surrounded by the people you would like in your life, start making a change.  Your attractor factor is only as powerful as your will to improve.